A Portrait of Work

From The Streets To The Code Editor

Home A Journey Shared

Universal Repository
IP Addresses

An ever growing lake of IP addresses from wannabe hackers

View the actual project here


I have this laptop that I bought in 2015 for 150 dollars on craigslist that I wanted to continue to get use out of.

It’s an outdated machine and the gpu is not supported by nvidia anymore either (annoying to make work right now), but still pretty ok. So I decided to use it for:

So everything is going well and im getting good use out of the machine.

Then one day I thought “Hmm I wonder if anyone has tried to login to this thing, (SSH in)” so I checked the failed login log and was shocked. Within a period of 3 days I had thousands of failed login attempts.

Immediately I thought “I need to tighted security up” so I made a crazy long password and implemented this SSH firewall called Fail2Ban.

Then I thought ….. Wait a second. These attacks are constant maybe I could study them and learn more about them. Things like:

I decided to ban people for an hour only after 5 failed login attempts. That way I could get a better distribution of data and it would make it even more difficult for someone to actually break in, even though I ran the numbers and using a brute force attack would take thousands of years still to hack into my system.

I began to understand I needed a simple file that would have:

I decided to store the data in a simple CSV file just cause its a simple lazy solution.

Creating the data pipeline

The original server logs were not very pretty so I needed to clean them up and put the cleaned up data in the CSV file but in an automated way since the data was constantly flowing in

I needed a pipeline !

First, though, I needed to consider a few issues I would have in the process


After examining the logs I noticed a few issues but ill just discuss one here.

With the caveats in mind I need a pipeline that will (Hourly):

I implemented all of this by setting up cronjobs in my crontab which run (Hourly) a python script and all the git stuff automatically.

The End LOL